Dimitra - 81 days

“My sober curious story began a few years ago during the first lockdown of the pandemic… although my relationship with alcohol had never been bad, I did however go all week without a drink but then ‘binge’ drink at the weekends when going out with friends as most of us have done & do.

Where many people turned to alcohol more frequently during the first lockdown with being off work and the nice weather, I took the opportunity to explore a lengthy period of time abstaining from alcohol. With social plans out the window, I seen it as the perfect time to trial a lifestyle free from it, without the social pressures of being questioned ‘why aren’t you drinking?’ Or ‘go on have a drink!’. Quitting alcohol during that time was easier for me, and after going a few months without it I seen ALL the benefits it had to offer and I have never looked back.

It gave me the opportunity to do the things I always craved to do more frequently, and that was spending far more time outdoors in nature, which in turn was the catalyst for my travel account; being able to share my love of exploring and being outdoors. Previously, I was consistently spending my weekends being hungover and therefore getting nothing done, not achieving any of my goals, wasting my precious time off work hungover on the couch which inevitably impacted my mental & emotional wellbeing leaving me feeling low, anxious, never having a ‘clear head’ and most of all frustrated at myself!

Fast forward 4 years and after sadly losing my Mum last year, I can most certainly say the changes I made with my relationship with alcohol those years back have definitely helped me on my journey with grief. I feel far more in control of my emotions and life. I make better and clearer decisions. Although not completely alcohol free, I regularly now go many months without a drink because I have totally lost interest in it, it serves me minimal benefits.

It’s been the best decision I have ever made, my lifestyle and wellbeing has benefited greatly and I am continuously seeing the positive impact it has had for me and I encourage anyone who is sober curious to try it :).”

