James - 338 days

“Dropping Alcohol from weekly routine wasn't planned for me. I had tried to moderate for years and never gotten close to managing it. I came home from the pub one night and decided I had had enough. From that point in July 2023 my life has been upgraded in ever possible way. Of course it has been challenging at times but I now live my life as me. Not behind the mask of alcohol and what I thought I had to be. The one major thing that has improved - I no longer feel limited. I can focus on the future with a clear head and not feel that I belong only where I am currently at. Drinking limited my belief in myself but now I feel I am free from its shackles to progress my life in any way I like. Without the fear of failure. To anyone who is considering a life without alcohol. Do it. Try it. Make a start. Your life will open up in front of you and you will be happier, healthier and an all round better version of yourself. Like I feel I am.”

