Who is Kirsten?

Co-Founder and Chief Operations Officer at Make CIC.

How did you become inspired by sober living?

During my teenage years, I made the unconscious decision to stop drinking at the age of 16. This decision was prompted by weekends of binge drinking with my friends and although these experiences were not particularly negative or unusual for teenagers, they did reveal a side of my personality I didn't want to embrace—a sense of depression and insecurity. Coupled with undiagnosed health anxiety; instead of relaxation and enjoyment, it could often trigger paranoia and high anxiety as well as some negative drug-related experiences. Growing up in an environment where I witnessed family members struggling with addiction and compulsive behaviours reinforced my decision. Observing the consequences of these addictions removed any allure from drinking and made me cautious about following a similar path. Thankfully, my mum maintained a healthy relationship with alcohol and encouraged open communication, enabling me to explore it responsibly. I strongly believe that stigmatising alcohol can sometimes push young people toward unhealthy substance relationships. I was also fortunate to have a supportive group of friends involved in straight-edge skating culture, which offered a judgement-free space to abstain from drinking, ultimately inspiring me to fully embrace a sober lifestyle.

What is your favourite sober experience?

Choosing a favourite sober experience is challenging because I've spent my entire adult life sober. However, if I were to consider moments that are typically associated with alcohol consumption, Being an "11pm or 7am kind of person," I've had numerous experiences that carried on through the night without the need for alcohol. These include impromptu beach paddles at 5am, karaoke in new york bars and dancing in the rain till the early hours at my cousin's wedding.
These moments have been more fulfilling than any alcohol-fueled ones in my life. Moreover, adopting a sober lifestyle has not only improved my well-being but has also had a positive impact on my finances. Without the regular expenditure on alcohol, I've found myself with more financial freedom to enjoy various activities and adventures. Most recently, as a groomsman at my best friend's wedding, I enjoyed every moment with complete presence and woke up the next morning without the headache of a hangover. It was a wonderful testament to the benefits of sobriety.

How do you connect with the outdoors?

My connection with the outdoors revolves around two favourite weather conditions: the warmth of baking sun and the beauty of rain in all seasons. I've spent countless mornings, evenings, and everything in between walking on the beach or through the woods in the rain. Rain, as cliché as it may sound, is my substance misuse. It makes me feel truly alive and connected to the environment and has the nurturing ability to make me feel grounded with the opportunity for a reset. As someone who's lived life previously driven by guilt and without the ability to completely relax, I also find solace in sitting on the beach, paddling in the sea and snoozing in the sun with a slower pace of life.

Where are you heading next?

I find winter challenging so I try to embrace some of its wonders. I love to scoot around the city, soaking up the atmosphere and living just thirty seconds from the beach allows me to dip my feet in the water regularly. I've also planned some graveyard rain walks and I've recently booked a trip to Edinburgh with friends where we’ll see the city as well as taking the opportunity to go further afield and indulge in some night time sky gazing, taking in the stars unobscured by light pollution.


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