A Message To My Younger Self

Grindewald, Switzerland, 12.12,14

One of my biggest fears when deciding to stop drinking was how others would perceive my choice.

At 24, my social circles revolved around alcohol, and not drinking carried a stigma. Explaining myself in social situations felt uncomfortable.

I felt guilty spending weekends hungover in bed whilst watching my favourite photographers exploring and seemingly live fulfilling lives.

Attempts to plan mountain trips with friends often fell through as alcohol dominated our weekends.

Deep down, I knew I needed to be bold, brave, and live life on my own terms, breaking the habit of people-pleasing.

In 2014, for Christmas, I booked a solo trip to Switzerland, seeking a pause and a reset. It was there I met a good friend and fellow photographer, @yannickpulver, who still inspires me to explore, and rise for sunrise.

In the Swiss Alps, as I started shooting, a wave of dopamine hit me – the high I'd been chasing with alcohol. But this natural high came without any consequences ~ no hangover, no financial regrets, no guilt.

That's when I realised my 'why.' I didn’t want to drink, and I didn’t need to justify it. I wanted to spend my weekends and free time following my mission and purpose, connecting with the outdoors, and building my photography portfolio. The thought of living the rest of my life hangover-free brought me a level of comfort. No more hangxiety.

Shortly after that trip, I became alcohol-free, and the mountains became my sanctum, my escape, and my canvas to create.

Reflecting on the past 10 years, I feel grateful to have visited these places, for following my intuition, and for being present for all these experiences.

Life is full of distractions, and I'm happy that alcohol is not another.

This photo is a reminder that time flies, and to go after what you want in life.

This post is a letter to my younger self, and a reminder that when adventure comes calling, say yes, with open arms. 🏔️


Transparency On The Sober Journey


We Were Featured in Low No Drinker Magazine