Last Light

It’s crazy how one photo can change everything. Back in December 2014 for Christmas, I went to Switzerland on my first solo trip to the mountains. Little did I know, that experience would change my life.

Shortly after, I quit my job, started travelling, and stopped drinking. 

Photography has always been an outlet to tell stories and save moments to look back on and share with others. 

One image that always stands out from my portfolio is 'Last Light.' On NYE, after a day of sledding in the Swiss Alps, while waiting for the cable car, I noticed a golden glow setting over the Eiger. I quickly grabbed my camera and took my last photo of the year. Five seconds later, that light would be gone.

I remember feeling a huge wave of dopamine when I looked through the viewfinder — a high, but without any of the downsides of alcohol. It was in that moment I realised I didn’t need alcohol to feel that way. 

Photography became my source of joy — not just the rush of getting the shot, but the long-term fulfilment it brings. 

Now, 'Last Light' sits proudly on our homepage. It’s a reminder to live in the present because moments like that can be fleeting.

These photos are a reminder to go after what I want in life. Sobriety isn’t always easy, but photography gives me a lasting fulfilment that alcohol never could.

Here’s to the next decade of photography, spending more time outdoors, and having more stories to tell.


Two Years Of Arclett


I’m Not Anti-Alcohol, I Am Pro-Choice