Who is Julia?

I’m Julia, founder of Nettle. I’ve had a rollercoaster journey with my health. Being told at 21 that I would be on medication for the rest of my life was an eye opening moment. Fast forward to now, I’m living a much happier / med-free lifestyle. I’ve created Nettle to bring my community not only a good place to visit but share my knowledge and resources that have helped me get better.

How did you become inspired by sober living?

When the traditional healthcare route did not work for me, I ended up traveling around the country and abroad to meet a variety of alternative practitioners. Whilst learning much about nutritional and health practices, I also discovered the damage of alcohol. Let’s not kid ourselves, there are zero health benefits to drinking alcohol, however, growing up surrounded by it, it proved a difficult habit to drop. Polish culture has a deep-rooted connection with alcohol, often being the de-facto choice for celebration, indulgence and relaxation. As a result, I found myself having to challenge a generational relationship with alcohol. I want to emphasise that I'm not opposed to alcohol entirely. When consumed responsibly, it can indeed be an enjoyable aspect of life, and it holds cultural significance in many societies. However, it's undeniably a substance susceptible to abuse, and I've witnessed firsthand the devastating impact it can have on the lives of those close to me. For some time now, I've been striving to reduce my alcohol intake, experiencing success and setbacks along the way. Finding arclett has been great, I had no idea about the sober curious movement. At the end of day a problem shared is a problem halved, and I'm enjoying meeting like minded people and feel inspired sharing in their stories.

What is your favourite sober experience?

The last few months I’ve really embraced activities without the addition of alcohol, and recently have had the best time going on several sober dates. I feel this has helped me to form deeper connections with people, and I’m finding genuine joy in experiences I would typically associate with alcohol but in a sober state. It's a novel and gratifying feeling that has enriched my life in unexpected ways.

How do you connect with the outdoors?

Connection with the outdoors is essential for myself and my health. Foraging and outdoor cooking hold a special place in my heart, and engaging in these activities not only provides me with immense satisfaction but also offers a welcome respite from the hustle of modern life, allowing me to unwind completely. Feeling the sun on my skin and the earth beneath my bare feet are experiences I treasure deeply.

Where are you heading next?

I’m looking forward to exploring the sober curious life, attending events synonymous with alcohol but sober, experimenting with designing herbal mocktails and meeting more like minded people. I'm not completely eliminating alcohol from my life, but rather embarking on a journey to entirely transform my relationship with it.


14 days.

